ice free, two hundred years ago …

This is an alarmist nightmare haha


An ice free Arctic has been a wet dream for climate warmists for a long time. They are a long way out of touch, according to a book reviewed here, ice-free happened regularly two centuries ago:

Some years ago I wrote an article on the melting of the Arctic ice in the 1820’s.

This extract is taken from Contemporary reports and include the following 1817 book;

“We learn that a vessel is to be fitted out by Government for the purpose of attempting again the north-west passage, the season being considered as peculiarly favourable to such an expedition. Our readers need not be informed that larger masses of ice than ever were before known have this year been seen floating in the Atlantic, and that from their magnitude and solidity, they reached even the fortieth latitude before they were melted into a fluid state. From an examination…

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Evolution…human/fish ties

Apparently there is new proof out that humans and really most terrestrial life had evolved from tetrapods. This isn’t something that is new, Charles Darwin saw this relationship years ago. This research just cements this discovery further proving Darwin and others right.

New Study Finds No Evidence Of Global Warming Increasing Extreme Rainfall

Computer models and the real numbers don’t match ya say? I can’t say I’m surprised


By Paul Homewood


This paper, published last month, has some relevance to recent attempts to blame the Louisiana floods on global warming.


Precipitation extremes have a widespread impact on societies and ecosystems; it is therefore important to understand current and future patterns of extreme precipitation. Here, a set of new global coupled climate models with varying atmospheric resolution has been used to investigate the ability of these models to reproduce observed patterns of precipitation extremes and to investigate changes in these extremes in response to increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The atmospheric resolution was increased from 2°×2° grid cells (typical resolution in the CMIP5 archive) to 0.25°×.25° (tropical cyclone-permitting). Analysis has been confined to the contiguous United States (CONUS). It is shown that, for these models, integrating at higher atmospheric resolution improves all aspects of simulated extreme precipitation: spatial patterns, intensities and seasonal timing. In response to 2×CO

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Where Did The Pause Go, Joe?

GISS is just pure junk, Gavin Schmidt and James Hansen are getting paid handsomely to defraud the public. Like all frauds though they do eventually come to an end, I’m just hoping to bring it along a little faster


By Paul Homewood


The lies are now coming thick and fast from Joe Romm.

Neither UAH or RSS satellite data show any such thing.

from 1998

fruom 1998

Instead Romm relies on the totally fraudulent GISS version:

from 1998

How do we know it is fraudulent?

In July 2013, the Met Office actually took the trouble to write a long paper about the pause in temperature, as it was clearly so troubling to theories of climageddon:


Now, when we look at Woodfortrees trends on GISS between 1998 and 2013, we find that the pause, which the Met Office, and indeed most experts, readily acknowledged, has mysteriously disappeared.

to 2013

It makes you wonder why the Met Office took all the trouble to write their people, when temperatures had been rising rapidly anyway.

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